Tag: probable cause

Does the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures even exist anymore?

Search and Seizure Defense Attorney A recent Illinois Appellate Court decision in People v. Neal, No. 1-09-2814 (June 29, 2011) Cook Co., 3d Div. is just another example of the current eroding of the Fourth Amendment. A Chicago Police Officer detains a man who is out on the yelling "blows"....
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Timeline of a Criminal Case (Part 2)

The next court date for a criminal defendant charged with a misdemeanor offense is generally a status date for the defendant to have his defense attorney file an appearance and request any evidence in the case that the State will be using against the defendant. If the case is going...
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Woman Suing Lake County Over DUI Arrest

This is an interesting story from the Daily Herald: http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=405169. A woman is suing the police and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office for malicious prosecution and wrongful arrest for DUI. She was pulled over for DUI and Police and the State’s Attorney’s Office obtained a warrant to take her...
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